Wrongful death claim or a claim filed for the death caused by the negligent or wrongful act of another, resembles a personal injury claim, except that the case is filed by the victim's family or close ones. Wrongful death legal cases can be related to motor vehicle...
MOS Medical Reviews
What Does the Medical Record Summary Process Involve? [Infographic]
Medical record summaries are crucial for lawyers to resolve personal injury, product liability, medical malpractice/negligence cases, and insurance claims. Preparing a flawless medical record...
Key Tips to Prevent Errors in Medical Record Documentation
Medical records form an important part of the management of a patient. It is important for doctors and medical entities to properly maintain the medical records of patients to analyze the treatment...
Top Reasons Why Insurers Deny Medical Claims [Infographic]
Health insurers may deny medical claims for various reasons. For such denials, a written explanation of denial will be provided, which also includes the procedure of appealing to restore the...
The Medical and Legal Value of Medical Records
The patient medical record is a document that is clinically as well as legally significant. It contains valuable data about a patient’s medical history and the various clinical encounters he/she...
How a Narrative Medical Summary Is Useful for Personal Injury Attorneys
Preparation of a narrative summary is an important medical review service that attorneys utilize to the best effect in their medical litigation. What is a medical narrative summary? It is a running...
What Disabilities Qualify Veterans for Social Security Disability Benefits?
Medical records are very important when determining whether an applicant is eligible for social security disability benefits. Medical records services provide the necessary support to review the...
Top Reasons behind Long-term Disability (LTD) Claim Denials
Long-term disability (LTD) insurance is a part of a comprehensive employee benefits package that covers serious injuries and permanent disabilities that keep workers out of work for a long period of...
How Medical Review Companies Deliver Real Value to Attorneys
Medical review companies provide significant support to legal teams handling personal injury, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation, social security disability, and other cases that involve a...
Key Tips to Collect and Organize Medical Records
A legal team or an attorney may have to deal with many cases such as medical negligence, malpractice, personal injury, workers’ compensation and more. To prove negligence, causation, and damages,...
What Injuries May Not Be Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
Medical records services are an important consideration in workers’ compensation, a no-fault system that provides compensation for employees injured in the course of their employment. The medical...