For insurance companies, accurate review of medical records serves as a comprehensive and crucial process in assessing the accuracy and completeness of health-related information. Through proper examination of medical records, insurers gain valuable insights into an...
MOS Medical Reviews
The Anatomy of a Life Care Plan and How It Is Prepared
Medical records and medical chart review are very important when it comes to life care planning because any recommendation made by the life care planner must be based on the patient’s medical...
Important Facts to Consider when Releasing Medical Records
Physician practices receive medical record release requests from various sources - from the patients themselves, insurance companies, Medicare, and attorneys. Medical records are vital for processes...
What Are the Challenges Involved in Winning Product Liability Cases?
A product liability case arises when a product turns out to be defective and causes an injury to the user. Defective products that cause injury include defective drugs, defective machinery, a...
15 Commonly Asked Questions about Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation benefits are available for employees who have been hurt on the job through no fault of their own. Employers and insurers need to ensure that the workers’ compensation claims...
What Role Does a Medical Case Chronology Play in a Personal Injury Case?
A medical case chronology saves attorneys considerable time by providing a succinct reference of all medical information relevant to the personal injury case. Attorneys may not be experts in...
5 Ways in Which Legal Nurse Consultants Assist Attorneys
When it comes to chart review for medical malpractice or other cases that involve medical records, attorneys rely on legal nurse consultants or medical review companies providing the service. Legal...
Steps to Consider When Requesting Medical Records
Obtaining and reviewing the injured party’s medical records, an important solution provided by a medical chart review company, is an indispensable component of the discovery process. While the...
Best Practices to Conduct a Remote Deposition
Are remote depositions feasible? The current hiatus brought about by the coronavirus epidemic has forced most organizations, including companies like ours providing medical review services, to work...
COVID-19-related Employment Lawsuits Becoming a Stark Reality
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak has literally struck at the heart of global economy, and the United States has emerged as the worst-hit country. Though most of the workforce is confined to...
How Cloud Technology Simplifies Medical Record Retrieval
Medical record retrieval and review is an important constituent of the discovery process in personal injury claims. In any case involving injury, medical records provide the evidence needed to argue...