Medical records analysis is an important process in medical, legal and insurance contexts. It is to be meticulously done to ensure patient safety and appropriate care in healthcare settings, and fair eligibility determination in the context of health insurance. It is...
MOS Medical Reviews
Medical Malpractice Concerns Associated with Telemedicine
Medical malpractice is a major concern for physicians and typically they may not like to think about malpractice and the need to take malpractice insurance as a safety measure. If a malpractice case...
Major Health Laws That Can Affect Physicians and Caregivers
The healthcare industry spans a vast field and providers are challenged by a number of legal issues, whether these are related to insurance and reimbursement, employment contracts, business...
Some Legal Mistakes Physicians & Healthcare Providers Must Avoid
Physicians are often unaware of federal regulations that may apply to their practices as well as the healthcare organizations in which they participate. This could lead to legal hassles and severe...
Workers’ Comp and Other Insurance Coverage Are Vital for Solar Contractors
Solar contractors, just as other business owners, need workers’ compensation coverage for their employees. As a medical chart review company assisting workers’ compensation attorneys, we understand...
Can You Get Medicare/Medicaid Coverage While Receiving Disability Benefits?
Social security disability insurance is a beneficial program that provides financial support for disabled Americans. To qualify for this, the claimant’s medical records should provide clear evidence...
Can Your Social Security Disability Benefits Be Discontinued?
Social security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits are granted on the basis of a medical chart review that is intended to provide evidence of the particular disability. Typically, recipients...
What Convenient Services Does the SSA Website Offer?
Social security benefits are paid to more than 63 million Americans each month making it a major financial resource for retired and disabled Americans. While workers who have paid social security...
Workers’ Compensation in a Gig Economy and What It Means for Workers
With the many conveniences offered by technology, an increasing number of jobs are coming under the gig economy. This employment model is adopted by large corporations as well as small businesses...
Mass Tort Lawsuit – Here are the Most Frequently Asked Questions
Mass tort litigation has become a powerful form of litigation in both state and federal courts. This litigation will be handled by an attorney or a group of attorneys to represent several parties in...
Know These Key Points before You Apply for Social Security
The largest "retirement plan" in the United States, social security retirement program is a great source of income for all Americans. Apart from retirement benefits, the SSA (Social Security...