The changes introduced to social security benefits from time to time are of interest to social security attorneys, the medical review companies assisting them, and the beneficiaries themselves. It is expected that Social Security’s Old Age and Survivors Insurance...
MOS Medical Reviews
Concealing Medical Records Could Prove Extremely Harmful – the Case of Mike Peluso
The value of your medical records can never be underestimated because your wellbeing and even life may depend on it. Importantly, they are valuable legal documents that form the basis of any...
Obtaining Workers’ Comp Insurance in Georgia Fraught with Difficulties
In Georgia, any business with 3 or more workers including part-time workers is required to carry workers' compensation insurance. This insurance can provide income benefits, medical benefits, and...
Why No-fault Auto Insurance Becomes Unaffordable – the Case of Michigan
The availability and accuracy of the injured person's medical records for medical records review is one of the most essential aspects of any motor vehicle accident case. Medical reports can often...
Hip Implant Failure and Product Liability Litigation – a Continuing Saga
In any product liability case, whether artificial hip, knee, transvaginal mesh, or faulty drug, medical record retrieval and medical records review are important processes, and the defendants will...
Why Communication is Essential to Manage Workers Anxiety and Workers Comp Costs
With the constantly rising workers' compensation costs, employers and their insurers are always considering ways to reduce the costs and any fraud associated with the workers' comp program. This has...
Google’s New Security Tool to Track in Real Time Who Is Accessing Your Medical Data
Medical record review companies handling sensitive medical records have one thing uppermost in mind, namely, maintaining the security and confidentiality of the healthcare information passing...
How Health Insurers Can Improve HEDIS Quality Measure Performance
HEDIS or Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set is a widely used group of measures that enumerate quality performance among providers and health payers in any given year. HEDIS quality...
The HITECH Act – How Attorneys and Their Clients Can Benefit from It
The HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act is important for law firms and their clients, and is considered an apt solution for high medical record retrieval...
Getting Back to Work While Receiving Social Security Disability or SSI Benefits
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) as well as SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits that are granted and continued on the basis of a medical records review provide various work...
Veterans and Families Exposed to Polluted Lejeune Water to Receive Disability Benefits
A medical records review is one of the initial processes in the evaluation of a disability claim. When it comes to benefits for military veterans, veterans with a service-related disability could...