Personal injury cases involve many different considerations such as - Statute of Limitations, Liability, and Burden of Proof. Statute of Limitations generally requires a claim to be filed within two years of the accident or incident. Liability is another key...
MOS Medical Reviews
Use of Medical Records in Personal Injury Claims
Lawyers handling personal injury lawsuits will have to scrutinize a number of medical records from the various healthcare providers who may have treated the injured person. These records are...
EMRs – Safe Practices
According to medical liability experts, electronic medical records carry legal risks that can be avoided with sufficient care. Here are some safe practices physicians can follow and reduce any...
Tips for Attorneys Handling Medical Litigation
Attorneys involved in medical litigation may be increasingly receiving electronic medical records from hospitals for medical record review purpose. The entire medical chart or some parts of it may...
Avoid Medical Privacy Breaches at All Costs
The nation’s administration is focused on formulating new medical privacy rules after coming under sharp criticism for the current regulations that offer quite inadequate privacy protection. With...
Requesting and Reviewing Medical Records – Tips for Attorneys
Attorneys handling personal injury, toxic tort, medical malpractice and other cases will have to request for the relevant medical records for purposes of medical record review. The first thing you...
Medical Record Analysis and Review – a Professional Approach Is Indispensable
The medical records required for litigation purposes in cases such as medical malpractice, and personal injury and Workers’ Compensation claims can be voluminous. Analyzing and reviewing them is a...
Incomplete and Aberrant Medical Records – a Serious Concern
Medical records being vital with regard to provision of appropriate patient care, and also with regard to their use in medical litigation have to complete in all respects. When submitted for medical...
How Serious Are You about HIPAA Compliance?
Frequent reports of the apparently careless handling of patient medical records raise questions about the HIPAA compliance of some healthcare providers. The Health Insurance Portability and...
Achieve HIPAA Compliance and Manage Risks with Outsourcing
HIPAA violation is a serious offence and can result in huge penalties. Confidentiality of patient medical records needs to be maintained when they are released. Whether in paper or electronic...
NFL to Ensure Co-ordinated Care for Players with an Efficient EHR System
The NFL (National Football League) is implementing the EHR system during their next season, and their physicians will now have cloud-based access to important medical data including medications,...