In both legal and medical professions, well-organized and precise medical case chronologies play a vital role in building a comprehensive understanding of your case. For doctors and attorneys involved in litigation—especially in cases like medical malpractice,...
MOS Medical Reviews
How Does Medical Record Analysis Help With Early Risk Assessment?
Medical record analysis is vital to evaluate liability in a medical malpractice case. Attorneys preparing their case require early risk assessment so that the crucial medical data contained in the...
COVID-19 Presumption Laws and Workers’ Comp Eligibility
Workers who contract COVID-19 on the job may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, if the claim is found valid via a comprehensive medical record review. Many U.S. states have already...
What Medical Records Are Needed To Qualify For Scleroderma Disability Benefits?
Medical record review for social security disability benefits involves a comprehensive analysis of the claimant’s medical records to validate the claim. Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that is...
How Medical Review Services Provide Valuable Mass Tort Litigation Support
Mass tort cases involve a group of plaintiffs who are affected by the same harm caused by the actions of the defendant, directly or indirectly. One or more defendants may be involved in these cases...
Why Are Medical Codes Important In Personal Injury Cases?
Medical record review for personal injury cases also involve reviewing the relevant medical codes related to the injury. What are personal injury medical codes found in the medical bills? How are...
Life Care Plans And The Significance Of Medical Chart Review
A life care plan projects the future medical care a patient may need – diagnostic testing, therapy, medical examinations, surgery, rehabilitation, home modifications, durable medical equipment, home...
What Are The Major Blood And Circulation Disorders That Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits?
Social security disability benefits are available for a number of disabling conditions that meet the requirements for disability. Since the disability claim processing involves a detailed review of...
Establishing Medical Necessity via Medical Chart Review [Infographic]
Misrepresenting treatments is one of the most common forms of health insurance frauds. When treatments that are not covered as medically necessary are misrepresented, it makes medical record review...
Why Is Medical Record Review Important For Insurance Companies?
As an evaluation process to determine medical necessity for a healthcare service or procedure, medical record review is very important for insurance companies. Insurers also need to review the...
What Is Contributory Negligence In Medical Malpractice Cases?
A medical malpractice lawsuit is filed when a doctor or other medical professional’s negligence has directly resulted in serious injury to a patient. However, in certain cases, patients may also be...