Medical record analysis is an important step in claims processing and helps determine patient eligibility for a particular procedure or treatment. When the traditional model of medical record review can be laborious and time-intensive, review processes done using...
MOS Medical Reviews
Useful Strategies To Prevent Missing Medical Documentation
Maintaining comprehensive medical records is important for delivering quality patient care and mitigating legal risks. Well-prepared and securely stored medical charts not only support the...
Why An Experienced Medical Record Review Company Is Critical In Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Medical records and their accurate review are of immense significance in medical malpractice cases. Our medical record review company assists medical malpractice, mass tort and personal injury...
How Can A Medical Review Company Help Evaluate The Merit Of A Medical-Legal Case?
A medical record review company can help attorneys determine the merit of a medical-legal case. In medical malpractice and personal injury cases, attorneys need to work with evidence that can make...
How Important Are Medical Imaging Studies For Medical Record Review In Personal Injury Cases?
Medical imaging studies provide key evidence that can help prove liability in personal injury cases. That makes such studies very important for medical record review in personal injury cases. A...
Medical Peer Review – In-house vs Outsourced Solutions
A medical peer review for health plans is usually conducted to determine if a medical claim denial should be upheld or not. This review is performed by a physician that belongs to the medical...
Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Occupational Diseases – An Overview For Medical Record Review
An illness acquired as a result of the specific nature of the workplace is known as an occupational disease and may be compensable under workers’ compensation insurance. This blog focuses on an...
Useful Tips For Attorneys Requesting Medical Record Review For Disability
Attorneys representing disability claimants will need solid medical evidence to support the disability allegation. This evidence is to be developed from the medical records through a thorough...
What Is A Psychiatric Injury And Is It Compensable In A Workers’ Compensation Claim?
Workers’ compensation typically covers an injury or illness that arises out of the course of employment. The coverage will of course be provided only based on a comprehensive medical chart review to...
Key Steps To Review Medical Records For A Lawsuit
Medical records serve as critical evidence for diverse litigations including personal injury lawsuits, criminal cases, workers’ compensation actions, disability determinations, and medical...
What Are Medical Chronologies? How Does A Medical Chronology Service Assist Attorneys?
A medical chronology or medical case chronology is a well-organized, concise record of all medical events in the order of their occurrence. Appropriate for most medical-legal cases, medical...