In the fast-paced world of medico-legal cases, attorneys face the daunting task of efficiently reviewing and analyzing vast amounts of medical records. These records contain crucial information that can make or break a case. However, the traditional manual approach to...
Rajeev Rajagopal
Protecting the Social Security Program Is Vital for the Wellbeing of Seniors
Social security disability benefits that are granted only on the basis of a detailed medical chart review are valuable options for millions of Americans including seniors and disabled children. In...
Why Getting Social Security Disability Benefits after Age 60 is Easier and Beneficial
Workers of any age can qualify for disability benefits provided they have accumulated the required work history. It is easier for people above the age of 60 to get disability benefits, as we will...
Tennessee Court Rules that Benefit Limits for Undocumented Workers Unconstitutional
Workers who have sustained a job injury, and who will never recover completely or will continue to be limited in the work they can do, may have a permanent disability. This means that they may be...
How an Effective Return-to-Work Program Is Beneficial for the Workers’ Compensation System
Workers' compensation claims are carefully evaluated and granted after comprehensive processes such as medical chart reviews and independent medical review, the latter in case there is a dispute...
8 Social Security Updates for 2017
As providers of medical review services to social security disability attorneys, we keep a close watch on the developments and updates in the social security arena. Now that we are on to 2017, it...
How Important Is Medical Record Analysis and Review to Understand Medical-Legal Cases?
Medical record analysis and review can be quite challenging even for the most experienced attorney. Cases that involve a medical component such as personal injury, workers’ compensation, product...
Social Security Disability Benefits – How Income/Resources Can Have an Impact
While providing medical review solutions for our client lawyers, we usually come across medical records containing information about various debilitating conditions that qualify for disability...
Medical Malpractice vs. Medical Battery Cases – Distinguishing Factors
Medical battery cases are different from medical malpractice cases; however, attorneys may utilize medical review services in both instances to understand significant medical facts and determine if...
Law Limiting Attorney Fees in Florida Workers’ Compensation Cases Struck Down
Workers’ compensation cases are difficult to prepare and win especially with the challenging medical record retrieval and medical records review processes involved. The entire process involves a...
Veterans Disability Benefits vs. Social Security Disability Benefits
The Veterans Administration disability compensation program pays benefits to veterans who contract a disease or incur an injury that is connected with their military service. Medical records review...