Product liability cases turn out to be complicated most times, owing to the laborious task of accurately reviewing stacks of medical records to prove causation. Medical record review is essential in building a strong case in product liability claims, as they provide...
Medical Record Review
What Is A Medical Claim Review? What Are the Advantages of Having It Done by A Professional Medical Review Company?
Medical claims review is performed to ascertain that the medical claims submitted by healthcare providers to insurers are accurate, and appropriate for the services provided to patients. The...
Why Is Medical Records Management Important?
Medical records management is important to make sure that the health records of patients that may have a legal, historical, and monetary value are preserved properly. Also, medical records that have...
How Does Medical Record Analysis Help With Early Risk Assessment?
Medical record analysis is vital to evaluate liability in a medical malpractice case. Attorneys preparing their case require early risk assessment so that the crucial medical data contained in the...
Top Dos and Don’ts for Medical Records Summarization
In medico-legal cases such as medical malpractice/negligence, mass tort, or personal injury, medical records summarization allows attorneys to extract the plaintiff’s relevant medical information....
How Significant Are Medical Record Review & Summarization Services For Legal Teams?
Medical record review services are valuable for attorneys and their legal teams because they provide key medical data that legal professionals need to substantiate their argument and win their case....
How Insurance Defense Counsel Review A Claimant’s Medical History Through Medical Record Review
In any personal injury case, the large majority of a claimant’s damages constitute medical treatment. This makes medical record review very important for insurance defense counsel to get an accurate...
Why Are Medical Codes Important In Personal Injury Cases?
Medical record review for personal injury cases also involve reviewing the relevant medical codes related to the injury. What are personal injury medical codes found in the medical bills? How are...
HEDIS Measures and the Medical Record Review Process
HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) is a standardized set of performance measures developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) to evaluate the performance...
Life Care Plans And The Significance Of Medical Chart Review
A life care plan projects the future medical care a patient may need – diagnostic testing, therapy, medical examinations, surgery, rehabilitation, home modifications, durable medical equipment, home...
Product Liability Medical Record Review – Key Points To Note
Product liability cases include those involving defective medical devices; contaminated medical devices; medical devices without adequate warnings or those marketed in a misleading way;...