Injury claims that involve medical records could be related to workplace injuries, auto accidents, product liability, medical malpractice and so on. An attorney accepts such cases only after a comprehensive review of the relevant medical records, preferably with the...
Medical Record Review

15 Innovative Tech Tools for the Modern Law Firm
Efficiency is everything in a law firm, and time is of the essence. Now, an array of tech tools and services are available that could help improve your law practice. Among the services provided by...
MOS Medical Record Reviews, a Key Player in the Medical Peer Review Services Market
Medical peer review is an important process in health insurance claims processing. It helps determine whether the treatment provided to a patient was medically necessary. The recent Medical Peer...
Major Factors Affecting the Personal Injury Settlement Value
Personal injury cases are mostly unique; however, there are certain common factors that impact the final settlement amount a plaintiff can get. Medical record review services are available for...
How Medical Chart Review and Medical Record Summary Assist Attorneys
This is an update to our blog What Is A Medical Records Summary and How Is It Useful for Attorneys? Medical record summaries are created based on a detailed chart review and are fact based,...
Statutes of Limitations vs Statutes of Repose
When a personal injury case is filed, the injured party’s medical records are among the prime considerations because they hold the evidence required to develop the case. The significance of the...
What Are the Key Parts of a Medical Chart That Is Reviewed During A Medical Record Review Process?
A clear review and summary of the medical chart and health information of patients, preferably by a litigation support team, provides the attorney important medical insights that are essential to...
COVID-19 Liability Shields for U.S Businesses – an Overview
Legislation to limit civil liability for COVID-19 has been enacted in many U.S. states, with a view to protect businesses and property owners from coronavirus-related liability lawsuits. Just as for...
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Organizing Medical Records
Insurance claims administrators as well as law firms and lawyers handling personal injury, product litigation, medical malpractice, and workers’ compensation cases will have to deal with medical...
Product Liability Cases – Frequently Asked Questions
Many products cause injuries to people or even death, and this gives rise to product liability lawsuits. Since an injury is involved, the victim’s medical records become extremely important as the...
9 Red Flags Signifying Healthcare Fraud & Abuse
Medical chart review and review of claims are significant processes with regard to effective health insurance fraud control programs. These help to identify suspicious medical claims and prevent...