Attorneys and insurance companies often spend countless hours sifting through the stockpile of medical records - a process that eventually leads to delayed litigation and inflated costs. AI-powered medical record review is an innovative solution that can transform the...
Medical Record Review
Personal Injuries That Are Common During Halloween
Halloween, no doubt, is the spookiest day of the year, filled with fun, thrills, and chills. Though it is an exciting night, it can also be a time for personal injuries. The U.S Consumer Product...
Glossary Of Some Important Personal Injury Terms
As every personal injury case is different, different legal terminologies will be involved. It is important for attorneys, medical review companies, plaintiff and defendant to be familiar with the...
Chart Review 101 – How Is Meaningful Information Extracted From Medical Records?
Medical chart review is extremely important for attorneys litigating medico-legal cases. A medical chart documents the patient's protected health information (PHI) since childbirth. It includes...
Mass Tort Lawsuit Claim Processing – Steps Involved
Mass tort lawsuits deal with claiming compensation for damages caused to numerous people due to a defective drug or poorly designed product. A mass tort is an act of negligence or omission that...
What Are The Different Types Of Mass Torts?
A mass tort is a civil lawsuit characterized by the involvement of multiple injured parties. At the same time, typically there will be only one or very few defendants. Mass torts generally involve...
What Is A Premises Liability Case? How Important Are Medical Records In Such Cases?
A premises liability case involves an injury to a victim that is caused by a property owner’s negligence. In other words, it is a personal injury case wherein the injury is caused by an unsafe or...
Value-Based Healthcare And The Relevance Of Medical Records Review
The value-based healthcare model prioritizes three aspects – improving the quality of care, refining the patient experience, and reducing healthcare costs. This model is advantageous in that it...
What Is a Wrongful Death Claim? What Records Are Needed As Evidence?
Wrongful death refers to the death caused by a wrongful act or negligence of another person. It involves all types of fatal accidents from simple car accidents to complicated medical malpractice or...
Are VA Disability Benefits Available for Tinnitus or Hearing Loss?
Tinnitus and hearing loss are conditions that significantly impact veterans, and disability attorneys need to handle the VA disability claim process efficiently to ensure that their clients receive...
What Role Does Medical Record Review Play In Opioids Abuse Litigation?
With the surge in opioids lawsuits in the United States, medical records and medical record review for attorneys have taken center stage now. According to provisional data from the CDC (Centers for...