When preparing for a trial, deposition summary plays a crucial role in formulating strategies for attorneys—especially those handling medical malpractice and personal injury cases—where healthcare providers become key witnesses. Usually, these cases involve multiple...
How Important Are Medical Records In A Car Accident Case?
Car accidents are common and can lead to many injuries including whiplash injuries, brain damage, spinal damage, and more. Gathering evidence that includes the medical records of the claimant is the...
What Are Rebuttal Affidavits? How Are They Useful In Medical Litigation?
A lingering concern in the healthcare industry is the growing rate of insurance claim denials. Nearly one in four patients face claim denials, with insurance companies rendering their medical...
What Is A Medical Claim Review? What Are the Advantages of Having It Done by A Professional Medical Review Company?
Medical claims review is performed to ascertain that the medical claims submitted by healthcare providers to insurers are accurate, and appropriate for the services provided to patients. The...
Is Paraplegia Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?
Paraplegia is a severe disabling condition wherein the lower half of the body is paralyzed, making it difficult or impossible for you to do gainful activity. Usually caused by a spinal cord injury...
Strategies for Drafting Deposition Summaries
Deposition summary is an objective, accurate summary of the main points that are included in the deposition transcript. This summary has a key role to play throughout any litigation process. It will...
Why Is Medical Records Management Important?
Medical records management is important to make sure that the health records of patients that may have a legal, historical, and monetary value are preserved properly. Also, medical records that have...
Are Disability Benefits Available For Memory Care?
Disability benefits may be available for memory care because the Social Security Administration (SSA) acknowledges memory impairment as a disability. This condition is included in SSA’s Blue Book...
How Does Medical Record Analysis Help With Early Risk Assessment?
Medical record analysis is vital to evaluate liability in a medical malpractice case. Attorneys preparing their case require early risk assessment so that the crucial medical data contained in the...
What Is A Plaintiff Fact Sheet? Should I Outsource Its Preparation?
A plaintiff fact sheet (PFS) is a crucial document in medico-legal cases and provides an overview of the case to both the parties involved in the case. It is a set of questionnaires released by a...
What Are The Diagnoses Associated With The Highest Malpractice Risk?
According to a 1999 report from the Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA), errors in diagnosis are the core reason for medical malpractice lawsuits. The lawsuit prevalence involving...