Workers’ compensation claims are often challenging due to many reasons. There are stringent regulations to consider, which may be different in different states. Another major concern is the risk of fraud, that leads to increased healthcare costs and other hassles. The...
What Types Of Lawsuits Need Medical Chart Review Services?
A medical chart review is indispensable with regard to processing health insurance claims and to understand the nature and extent of injury or illness sustained by a claimant in a lawsuit. The...
How To Make Medical Record Review Less Complicated?
In any medical-legal case, medical records act as testimony to the various treatments provided to the patient. To obtain the required evidence from the records, medical record review is a mandatory...
Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Occupational Diseases – An Overview For Medical Record Review
An illness acquired as a result of the specific nature of the workplace is known as an occupational disease and may be compensable under workers’ compensation insurance. This blog focuses on an...
How Can A Medical Record Review Company Be HIPAA-Compliant?
Providers of medical records services that assist attorneys in personal injury, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice and other cases are required to maintain HIPAA compliance. This means that...
5 Reasons Why Attorneys Need Medical Review Services
Conducting in-depth case research, maintaining compliance with multiple legal laws, doing trial preparation, and more, the job of an attorney is quite challenging. Among these duties, in-depth case...
Useful Tips For Attorneys Requesting Medical Record Review For Disability
Attorneys representing disability claimants will need solid medical evidence to support the disability allegation. This evidence is to be developed from the medical records through a thorough...
Tips For Physicians To Respond To Medical Record Subpoenas
Subpoena refers to a written order from the court or attorney that requires a person to attend court and provide evidence or to submit certain documents to the court. Medical practitioners are often...
What Is A Psychiatric Injury And Is It Compensable In A Workers’ Compensation Claim?
Workers’ compensation typically covers an injury or illness that arises out of the course of employment. The coverage will of course be provided only based on a comprehensive medical chart review to...
What Are The Types Of Coronavirus Exposure Risk For Workers And How To Address Them?
Exposure to the COVID-19 virus that spreads mainly through respiratory droplets or contact with virus-infected surfaces, can occur at the workplace. Transmission can also occur while the worker...
Are Heat Strokes Eligible For Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Workplace-related injuries and illnesses may be compensable under workers’ compensation insurance. The important requirement in this regard is medical record analysis to obtain evidence regarding...