The major concerns attorneys who handle medical-legal cases have are retrieving the relevant medical records, reviewing them, and tussling with the associated administrative hassles. We have law offices calling us for an effective and flawless medical record retrieval...
Get Familiar with Common Workers’ Compensation Abbreviations
The medical aspects of a workers’ compensation claim are made clear by a medical chart review company that assists attorneys with such claims. However, attorneys, insurers and doctors dealing with...
Holiday Activities for Your Law Firm – Stay Connected with Your Clients
Now that we are into the holiday season it’s time to think of some constructive activities for the holidays that will keep your clients engaged with you and also boost the spirit of your legal...
Key Challenges in Winning Product Liability Cases
Defective products such as defective drugs, machinery or medical devices can cause injuries, leading to product liability cases. Such cases come with their own set of challenges. To gather medical...
Medical Record Review Outsourcing vs In-house Record Review
Law firms, insurers, lawyers, medico-legal case review firms, plaintiffs and life care planning agencies require accurate review of medical records to understand a case, for trial preparation, and...
Different Types of Records That Law Firms Need to Index
While handling lawsuits that involve medical elements, let that be personal injury, medical malpractice or workers’ compensation, an attorney has to get the patient’s medical records reviewed by a...
Key Steps in the Plaintiff Fact Sheet Preparation Process
Plaintiff fact sheet (PFS) is a key document in any medico-legal case, as it provides both the plaintiff and defense sides with a summary of the case so that they can understand its strengths and...
15 Innovative Tech Tools for the Modern Law Firm
Efficiency is everything in a law firm, and time is of the essence. Now, an array of tech tools and services are available that could help improve your law practice. Among the services provided by...
MOS Medical Record Reviews, a Key Player in the Medical Peer Review Services Market
Medical peer review is an important process in health insurance claims processing. It helps determine whether the treatment provided to a patient was medically necessary. The recent Medical Peer...
Major Factors Affecting the Personal Injury Settlement Value
Personal injury cases are mostly unique; however, there are certain common factors that impact the final settlement amount a plaintiff can get. Medical record review services are available for...
Medical Malpractice vs Medical Negligence – Key Differences
This is an update to the blog Medical Negligence And Medical Malpractice Suits – A Continuing Saga Healthcare providers are expected to provide patients with high-quality care. However, in certain...