A legal case chronology is vital to any illness or injury case, as well as social security disability claims. This can be prepared only after proper organization of the complete medical record set. The major concern with medical records is that most of the time, when...
How Medical Chart Review and Medical Record Summary Assist Attorneys
This is an update to our blog What Is A Medical Records Summary and How Is It Useful for Attorneys? Medical record summaries are created based on a detailed chart review and are fact based,...
Errors in the Medical Chart That Providers Should Be Aware of
Physicians, nurses, and other clinicians may make mistakes during medical chart entry. Erroneous medical records can put patients’ lives in danger and clinicians will be at the risk of medical...
Insurance Peer Reviews – The Process and the Peer Review Report
Peer reviews are utilized by healthcare providers and insurance companies to obtain detailed, evidence-based reports that provide objective and accurate answers to case-specific questions. The...
Key Features of Reliable Medical Peer Reviews
Medical peer reviews are crucial for clean health insurance coverage. In case of a doubt or ambiguity regarding a medical insurance claim, a medical peer review may be conducted by a physician...
Statutes of Limitations vs Statutes of Repose
When a personal injury case is filed, the injured party’s medical records are among the prime considerations because they hold the evidence required to develop the case. The significance of the...
What Are the Key Parts of a Medical Chart That Is Reviewed During A Medical Record Review Process?
A clear review and summary of the medical chart and health information of patients, preferably by a litigation support team, provides the attorney important medical insights that are essential to...
Medical Peer Review – Insurance Denials and Appeals Process
Insurance denials are not something new and specific reasons for denials will be outlined in the EOB or the Explanation of Benefits document the insurer sends to the claimant. It helps prevent...
COVID-19 Liability Shields for U.S Businesses – an Overview
Legislation to limit civil liability for COVID-19 has been enacted in many U.S. states, with a view to protect businesses and property owners from coronavirus-related liability lawsuits. Just as for...
Litigation Support Service for Mass Tort Law Firms – Top Concerns and Solutions
Medical review solutions that are a vital part of litigation support services are of great value to mass tort law firms that handle a large number of plaintiffs and cases. Litigation support...
Plaintiff Fact Sheets – Preparation, Challenges, and Best Practices
In any medical-legal case, a plaintiff fact sheet is an important document that provides both the plaintiff and defense sides with an outline of the case so that they can understand its strengths...