Medical record retrieval is an important, resource-intensive process for healthcare providers, insurers and insurance attorneys. A complete data collection and review process is vital to optimize the retrieval process and ensure the records are accurate, comprehensive...
What Are the Changes Expected for Social Security in 2021?
When it comes to benefit programs, social security retirement and disability benefits provide the much-needed economic support to Americans who are retired from service and those who are disabled....
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Organizing Medical Records
Insurance claims administrators as well as law firms and lawyers handling personal injury, product litigation, medical malpractice, and workers’ compensation cases will have to deal with medical...
Medical Charting Errors That Providers Must Avoid
Incomplete and erroneous medical records are a grave danger for patients, and they also put the clinician at the risk of medical malpractice. Serious errors and missing information are frequently...
Data Analytics and Its Use in Mass Tort Litigation
Mass tort lawsuits require collecting, organizing and reviewing a large number of medical records. Since the review involves huge volume data associated with many plaintiffs, law firms and courts...
The Electronic Health Record and Medical Negligence Concerns
Earlier, one of the major concerns when providing medical record review services was the illegible handwriting of physicians. The electronic health record was introduced and made mandatory with a...
COVID-19 Pandemic and Some Workers’ Compensation Considerations
The COVID-19 epidemic has raised many challenges for businesses, with the threat of an increase in occupational illnesses looming high. Though the full impact of the virus cannot be accurately...
Product Liability Cases – Frequently Asked Questions
Many products cause injuries to people or even death, and this gives rise to product liability lawsuits. Since an injury is involved, the victim’s medical records become extremely important as the...
Follow These Tips to Avoid EHR Documentation Errors during COVID-19
The COVID-19 has placed huge challenges, like those experienced never before, on healthcare providers and EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems have to adapt to the changing requirements for...
9 Red Flags Signifying Healthcare Fraud & Abuse
Medical chart review and review of claims are significant processes with regard to effective health insurance fraud control programs. These help to identify suspicious medical claims and prevent...
What to Know Before You Apply for Social Security?
Social security retirement program is a great source of income for all Americans who are retired from their jobs. Along with the retirement benefits, the SSA (Social Security Administration) also...