In personal injury claims, medical record summaries serve as vital tools for both plaintiffs and defendants in presenting and evaluating evidence related to the injuries sustained. They offer a concise overview of the plaintiff’s medical history, diagnoses,...
7 COVID-19 Related Changes Likely in Social Security Disability
To adapt to the COVID-19 situation, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has introduced significant changes in the way they function and in their policies. The SSA has closed their field and...
15 Commonly Asked Questions about Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation benefits are available for employees who have been hurt on the job through no fault of their own. Employers and insurers need to ensure that the workers’ compensation claims...
Stringent Medical Claim Review May Reduce Health Insurance Fraud
Healthcare fraud is a serious concern that increases healthcare costs considerably. According to the CMS, US spending on healthcare is projected to grow at an average rate of 6.2% annually. In...
How Medical Records Play a Key Role in a Personal Injury Case
Medical records are an integral part of any personal injury case - whether medical malpractice, auto accident, product defect, slip and fall and so on. This makes medical record retrieval an...
What Role Does a Medical Case Chronology Play in a Personal Injury Case?
A medical case chronology saves attorneys considerable time by providing a succinct reference of all medical information relevant to the personal injury case. Attorneys may not be experts in...
COVID-19-Spurred Healthcare Costs & Steps Employers Can Take
The health concerns posed by the COVID-19 outbreak are serious, and could continue for some time. The need of the hour is to prepare for the next wave of this pandemic, if one occurs, and the...
5 Ways in Which Legal Nurse Consultants Assist Attorneys
When it comes to chart review for medical malpractice or other cases that involve medical records, attorneys rely on legal nurse consultants or medical review companies providing the service. Legal...
Common Medical Documentation Errors That Could Prove Costly
Accurate and complete medical documentation is vital for appropriate and efficient patient care. It is also essential for physicians to stay away from medical malpractice concerns. A chart review...
Steps to Consider When Requesting Medical Records
Obtaining and reviewing the injured party’s medical records, an important solution provided by a medical chart review company, is an indispensable component of the discovery process. While the...
What Are the Medical Malpractice Risks Related to COVID-19?
Is there anyone not affected by COVID-19? Probably, no. People in different professions are significantly stressed over both their health and the fate of their businesses and jobs. Our medical...