So, how are medical records used for medico legal purposes? Medical records play a crucial role in medico-legal matters, serving as an essential documentation that provides an accurate account of a patient's medical history, diagnosis, and treatment. In legal...
Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Dental Claims – What Dentists Should Know
Dental injuries sustained at the workplace may be compensable and would entail a medical record review to understand the nature and extent of the injury. From the point of view of workers’...
Can AI-powered Robots Be Sued for Medical Malpractice?
Just as in any other business sector, research and testing of AI-powered devices are ongoing in the medical field as well. Machines can analyze huge amounts of medical data during medical record...
Trial Witness Preparation – What Lawyers Recommend
Witnesses and their statements play a key role in proving any legal case - civil or criminal. Thorough preparation of the witness provides more opportunity for lawyers to win the case. Lawyers have...
9 Top Social Security Websites to Know
As the nation’s most important social resource, Social Security provides financial support to millions of retired and disabled Americans. Disability benefits are granted if a medical chart review...
How to Identify and Prevent Elder Abuse Effectively
Elder abuse is a serious concern in the United States of America, with around 5 million seniors suffering from some form of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation, according to the SSA (Social...
What Are the Types of Medical Evaluations Critical to the Disability Claims-Determination Process?
Disability determination has to be made with great caution both to ensure that healthcare services are being used appropriately and to control healthcare costs. Processes such as medical peer...
How Medical Record Retrieval Can Be Made More Efficient
Medical record retrieval is a time-intensive process and it can prove extremely tedious when you are not well-versed regarding the process of retrieval. Medical records are very important in...
What Is an RFC and How Is It Vital when Determining Disability?
Social security disability claims processing is not complete without an RFC (Residual Functional Capacity) assessment. When evaluating whether a disability applicant has a genuine disability that...
An Overview of Disability Income Insurance and its Importance
Disability income (DI) insurance is something that most people tend to ignore even though they may purchase other types of insurance such as life insurance and auto insurance. However, the fact is...
Know These Legal Issues Related to Telemedicine
Telemedicine offers a number of opportunities for efficient patient care. Clinicians who can provide telemedicine services include physicians, physician assistants, and advanced practice nurses...