
Mass Tort Litigation
Mass Tort Litigation Support to Strengthen Your Legal Strategy

Get quality medical record review solutions for mass tort cases!
Looking for support in a mass tort case? We understand that Mass Tort requires a well-organized team that can handle volumes of paperwork providing Medical Record Retrieval and Medical Record Review Services. As a mass tort claim brings together multiple plaintiffs who have a similar claim against one product, company, disaster, policy, or drug it requires a specific set up people and tools to make it successful. Managed Outsource Solutions (MOS) is experienced in providing medical record retrieval services for attorneys and legal firms handling mass tort claims. We specialize in mass tort litigation support, with an emphasis on pharmaceutical drug and device litigation.
Any mass tort lawsuit requires collection, organization and tracking of responses for large numbers of medical records including charts, doctors’ notes and more. Collecting evidence lying deep in voluminous medical records can be time-consuming for attorneys.
Whether you are handling cases related to prescription drugs, product liability, toxic contamination or any other mass tort claim type, our team can handle the retrieval, review and management of the medical records you require.
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Medical Records Review Services for Mass Tort Attorneys
Medical record organization
Our team of legal and nurse consultants carefully review medical records to collect key evidence that will be of use to you when preparing the case. Our team can delete duplicate records, identify missing records and generate a list of relevant records.
Medical record chronology
We can arrange, list and summarize the medical record reports chronologically which will help you get a detailed timeline of the medical treatments including the date of service, time of service, source medical records, care provided and more.
Plaintiff fact sheet preparation
The discovery process for mass tort claims begins by gathering information about the plaintiff’s claims. Our team can help in summarizing, presenting and analyzing the Plaintiff Fact Sheet. This will help attorneys identify any critical information for the trial.
What Makes MOS Unique?

Faster turnaround times
Competitive pricing
HIPAA-compliant services
30 – 40% cost savings
Dedicated workforce
Multilevel QA and audit trail
Flexibility to use any software
Our services are HIPAA-compliant and are not limited by hospital or system. With diligence and attention to detail, our team will help mass tort attorneys get a clear understanding of all relevant medical facts as well as the medical events.
Organizing, summarizing and reviewing medical records for mass tort claims is easier with our solutions!
Let us know your medical record review requirement! Call us at 1-800-670-2809!