Medical Review Services to Support Attorneys in Trial Preparation

by | Published on Dec 22, 2021 | Podcasts

Managed Outsource Solutions (MOS) is an experienced provider of reliable medical review services and assists attorneys in managing all medical data relevant to the case they’re dealing with. Our team also provides support for the preparation of trial exhibits and other demonstrative evidence such as videos, photos, and blowups.

In today’s podcast, Jessica Schwartz, one of our Solutions Managers, discusses how medical review services can help attorneys in trial preparation.

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This is Jessica Schwartz, the Solutions Manager with Managed Outsource Solutions. Here to talk to you about how medical review services can help attorneys in trial preparation.

Proper trial preparation is crucial for attorneys to strategically prepare for courtroom trials and legal hearings. As a medical record review company assisting attorneys for years, we know how important record review and analysis is for trial preparation.

00:29 What does trial preparation involve?

Trial preparation involves collecting and preparing materials relevant for a court case. The judge as well as jury can also get a better understanding of the facts presented in a lawsuit with a clear medical summary prepared by medical record reviewers. Every important detail of the case must be monitored and studied properly to ensure that the case proceedings are managed well. While preparing for trial, lawyers will be busy dealing with collecting investigation reports, extracting data from client interviews, discovery process, medical record analysis, and other important responsibilities.

Each attorney has his or her own way of preparing for trial. Also referred to as hearing preparation, trial prep involves many processes including evidence gathering, interviewing witnesses, forensic and private investigations, preparing case theory, evidence analysis, creation of investigation reports, preparing witness testimonies, medical investigations, and submitting trial briefs.

The first and most important step in preparing for a trial is to gather all crucial facts and evidence required for the case. Attorneys may also have to create extensive written notes for every aspect of the case. Failing to capture details in an organized fashion may result in missing out on valuable information. Evidence gathering mainly involves collecting medical records from providers. Once collected, these records need to be reviewed and organized, which is again a time-consuming task for attorneys and their staff. Creating medical chronologies and summaries is also necessary to understand the medical aspects of the case.

You can read our blogs:

Key Steps to Review Medical Records for a Lawsuit
How to Make Medical Record Review Less Complicated

Medical records help to prove whether the claimant is really injured and whether the defendant’s negligence caused the injury, and to assess damages and build the case. Medical records contain useful evidence for diverse litigations involving personal injury lawsuits, criminal cases, workers’ compensation actions, disability determinations, and medical malpractice claims. These records include operative notes, test results, patient history, prescriptions, consultation records, and evaluations.

02:58 Medical review services for trial preparation

Medical review services for trial preparation include the following

  • sorting, organizing and indexing records
  • identifying each and every care provider and ensuring that all their records are obtained
  • developing a provider list to create a fact witness list as the case nears trial
  • tagging and making copies of relevant pages in the medical charts that will serve as trial exhibits
  • creating medical chronologies related to patient identification, medical care, diagnostic procedures, therapy notes, and treatment
  • analyzing and summarizing depositions and past testimonies to identify inconsistencies in the medical records

A medical case chronology and summary helps other trial team members involved in the lawsuit to understand the medical issues involved. Proper trial preparation can prevent committing serious mistakes during trials. Attorneys can associate with medical review companies that provide professional trial preparation solutions such as organizing trial exhibits, getting documents ready for trial, and preparing trial binders. Proper medical record organization is also necessary to make the records easy to read and quickly navigable. This makes it easy to identify any missing records as well.

04:21 Medical records in discovery process

For the discovery process too, medical records are provided to the defense counsel in the affidavit of documents. The trial preparation process also involves preparing witnesses for direct testimony and cross-examination. To prepare expert witnesses for trial, attorneys must notify all parties of the trial date and times, and prepare them adequately. It is vital to review witness testimony and provide an idea on what to expect under cross-examination.

You can also read our blogs:

Trial Witness Preparation – What Lawyers Recommend
5 Reasons Why Attorneys Need Medical Review Services and
How Are Medical Records Used in a Legal Proceeding?

We hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

Discover our medical record review solutions and partner with us for your next case.

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